Restaurant de la Croix Blanche, Villarepos

With an overview on the lake Murten, the Auberge de la Croix Blanche in Villarepos is nice place that has both a restaurant and a bistro part that allows you to choose the degree of sophistication that will satisfy your appetite.

The cuisine of the restaurant Auberge de la Croix Blanche in Villarepos mixes French and Swiss inspiration to provide modern plates that have their root in the local ingredients and traditions. When the weather is nice, you will be able to enjoy this nice food and wine on a lovely terrace with a view on the lake Murten. The Michelin guide recognizes the quality of this restaurant with one star. This restaurant has also a hotel part with 8 rooms.

Address: Auberge de la Croix Blanche, Route de Donatyre 22, 1583 Villarepos
Phone: 026 675 30 75
Opening hours: closed on Tuesday and Wednesday
Web site:

Restaurant de la Croix Blanche - Villarepos

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Restaurant de la Croix Blanche - Villarepos 46.883189, 7.068898 Restaurant de la Croix Blanche - Villarepos

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